Happy Mother's Day
Posted on | Saturday, May 11, 2013 | 2 Comments
This time, I designed a Mother’s Day card for all the moms out there. Remember to give them a card and let your mom know how you love them so much.
You can download this printable card pdf here. Happy Mother’s Day to all! :)

Limited Pigtails Shirts for Sale!
Posted on | Tuesday, April 2, 2013 | No Comments
People were asking me before about some Pigtails merchandise, and I did some items before in a Christmas Bazaar. So now I’m selling these last pieces of Pigtails T-shirts. They are for kids and adult sizes which you can visit the close up pictures from Pigtails Facebook page and Pigtails Group Page and download the price list here.
They are heat press designs and very good quality. Log on to your Facebook and join Pigtails page or just email me if you’re interested.
By the way, this will be the last time I’m going to use these designs for shirts and other merchandise. So really limited offer. And also featured the very design that I did, which is one of my Pigtails with an umbrella which got me to keep on designing. *winks*
I’d like to thank my models who have their own Pigtails shirts to Ayesha, Gian and Chiara. Thanks a lot for wearing the cute Pigtails shirts and for being my cute and adorable models. :)
Here are the designs for the shirts.
![pigtails_tshirt_shop01[1] pigtails_tshirt_shop01[1]](http://lh5.ggpht.com/-BSHBuPiKELI/UVrs4Ti5unI/AAAAAAAAEK0/XesqMxXbBLA/pigtails_tshirt_shop01111.png?imgmax=800)
![pigtails_tshirt_rain01[1] pigtails_tshirt_rain01[1]](http://lh6.ggpht.com/-k_GkK_-rZP0/UVrs_tzRHFI/AAAAAAAAELE/JO3URJJK-z0/pigtails_tshirt_rain011_thumb6.png?imgmax=800)

Happy Easter to Everyone!
Posted on | Saturday, March 30, 2013 | No Comments
Enjoy this cute Easter desktop wallpaper. And available in different wallpaper sizes.
Also, if you are interested, you can also order these cute Easter chicks. Available in shirts, hoodies, iphone/laptop/ipod skins and casing, and pillow and tote bags at my Society6 shop.
Download the desktop wallpaper them in different sizes:

What I learned from my dog...
Posted on | Thursday, February 21, 2013 | 1 Comment

Meet the Sausage Pets
Posted on | Sunday, February 17, 2013 | No Comments
This is my latest project. In my previous posts, I’ve introduced them and here they are (with names). Meet Bingo the dog. Kimmy the lovely cat. And Duke the adorable little pig.
You will see more of them along with my adorable cuties, Pigtails.
I suppose now you can see why they’re called “Sausage Pets.” :)

Pigtails Memory Game
Posted on | Tuesday, February 12, 2013 | 1 Comment
First download and print this on an A4 (landscape) cardboard with at least 100-150gsm thickness. You have to print it twice to make a pair. Then cut them out into squares and start playing the game. Have fun and enjoy! :)
Object of the Game:
To find as many matching pairs from the concealed cards.
The cards are shuffled and placed face-down on the table in the form of a square or rectangle.
Players decide who goes first, second, and so on. The first player starts by turning over any two cards and lets all players see them. If these two cards have different pictures on them, they are turned over again and placed back in their original places. The turn then passes to the next player. He also turns over two cards and follows the same procedure.
The game goes on until a player, using his memory, turns over two cards with the same picture. When this happens, he can remove this pair from the table and keep them. After a player collects a pair, he has a second turn as a bonus, and if he succeeds again, a third turn and so on until he turns over two cards with different pictures. When this happens, the next player takes his turn, and the game goes on.
End Game
The game ends when all pairs have been collected. the player with the most pair wins the game.

Pigtails Society6 Shop
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